HAPPY LOSER, is an animated series created and produced by Giant Eye Chinimation and DLE (Japanese animation studio), which is targeted to adult audience of 18-30 years old. At first stage, 52 episodes of animated TV series (5 minutes for each episode) and a 90-minute animated film are scheduled to be released in Chinese and Japanese as initial markets, then covering other Asian countries.

HAPPY LOSER presents a world similar to our daily life, in which a group of young office workers without or with average money, career, love and fortune remain to have a positive and optimistic attitude in spite of misfortunes in their life. Various “unreal” scenes and characters appear in this series of comedy, however, audience can still sense up-to-date social issues and trends behind the stories and perceive the misfortunes encountered by the characters.

The Tibetan Dog, the first Chinese animated feature film jointly shot by China and Japan, was released to Chinese public in 2011. This film is adapted from The Tibetan Dog, a best-selling novel written by Mr. Yang Zhijun in 2005. The story is about a teenager Tian Jin, who went to the grassland of Chinese Qinghai-Tibet Plateau for seeking refuge with his father and adopted a Tibetan dog named “Duoji” with golden hair. The teenager Tian Jin, together with Duoji launched a series of thrilling adventures…

Co-funded by MADHOUSE Inc. (Japanese animation studio) , China Film Group Corporation and CIWEN ANIMATION, the film was successfully nominated for competition in 2011 Festival International du Film d'Animation d'Annecy and also became a major movie of the year opening the 2011 China-Japan Film Week/Animation and Comic Festival.

The company’s core team was fully involved in the film’s copyright negotiation, development, fund raising, animation production, licensing business, and overseas distribution etc.


Visit The Tibetan Dog page on Tencent

Chi's Sweet Home is a well-known cartoon works from Japanese famous manga artist Konami Kanata. It was released by Kodansha in 2004. The TV animated series was released in 2008 produced by MADHOUSE, with 3 minutes for each episode. It tells a story about a kitten named Chi with tiger stripes who misses its way at its initial stroll and Yohei Yamada family. The movie and main character Chi have won the favor of worldwide audience.   

In May 2012, Chi was licensed to Shenzhen WTSD Co. producing smart traffic cards themed at Chi's Sweet Home and was released in Beijing and Tianjin.

It authorized iQIYI.COM to exclusively premiere the original edition of Chi's Sweet Home TV animated series. 104 episodes of Chi's Sweet Home (Season 1) were premiered in April 2012 while 104 episodes of Season 2 were shown in August, 2012. As of January 2014, the total play times have hit 240 million.

View Chi’s Sweet Home animation

In the beginning of 2014, Giant Eye gained the copyright authorization from Kodansha to make online expressions with the image of Chi's Sweet Home. The expressions were successfully accessed into WeChat’s expression stores for paid download, topping the paid download list in recent two months.

Pocket Monster (also known as Pokémon, Pokemon) TV animated series were directed by Yuyama Kunihiko and released in 1996. It tells a story about Ash Ketchum of Pokemon master, together with Pikachu, embarked a journey. Along the way, Ash Ketchum encountered quite a few partners, rivals and friends and unfolded many adventures one after another.
Presently, the animated series includes four divisions: Pokémon (Series 1), Pokémon: Advanced Generation (Series 2), Pokémon: Diamond & Pearl (Series 3), Pokémon: Best Wishes (Series 4).

Since 2012, the company initiated its partnership with TOMY Shanghai, a general agent of Pokémon in China to launch licensing business of multiple types.

Since December 2012, it authorized iQiYI.COM to play 108 episodes of Pokémon: Best Wishes (Series 4). In June 2013, it granted the license to iQiYI.COM for showing 273 episodes of Pokémon (Series 1). As of April 2014, Pokémon: Best Wishes (Series 4) has gained 396 clicks for play while Pokémon (Series 1) has won 247 million clicks.

Visit Pocket Monster page on iQIYI

In March 2013, the company assisted TOMY Shanghai to cooperate with Tencent’s children channel, set up special page of officially authorized POKEMON so that users can view POKEMON picture books, play puzzle games and enjoy animation etc. on the special pages and Tencent’s children channel.

Visit Pocket Monster page on Tencent Kids

In 2013, the company signed a contract with Xiongxiaomi Media Co., Ltd. for officially acting the image licensing business of Our Friend Xiongxiaomi as an agent.
Our friends Xiongxiaomi is an outstanding home-made TV animated series targeted to children of 2-5 years old. It is produced by Beijing Ironhide Frog Creativity Media Co., Ltd. It has won honorable tiles such as “Image Award of the 5th China Top Ten Film & Television Animations with Most Industrial Value in the Year”, silver prize of “Golden Dolphin” best animated TV series at the 6th Xiamen International Animation Festival, excellent animations recommended by SARFT for the first quarter of 2013, best prize of outstanding home-made TV cartoons in 2013 children masterpieces and home-made animation development special fund reward program, best cartoon image and best cartoon works in 2012-2013 Top Cartoon Brand.

The carton film has 52 episodes, which have been aired on CCTV Children’s Channel “Smart Trees”, Kaku Cartoon Channel, Toomax TV, Jiajia Cartoon and other channels since October 2013.

By replying on experience for years in animation, image licensing and overseas cooperation, the company can provide cartoon image optimization, image licensing consultation and image licensing manual design and making etc. Currently, it is carrying out image optimization and licensing manual making for a famous media group domestically.

Address: 2109 Building A2, Phoenix Town, A5 Shuguang Xili, Chaoyang District, Beijing,Zip code: 100028
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